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Thursday, 15 June 2017

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Tutor Marked Assignments for Secondary and Senior Secondary Course @9643289714

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Tutor Marked Assignments for Secondary and Senior Secondary Course @9643289714
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Tutor Marked Assignments for Secondary and Senior Secondary Course @9643289714
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National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) formerly known as National Open School (NOS) was established in November,1989 as an autonomous organisation in pursuance of National Policy on Education 1986 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. NIOS is providing a number of Vocational, Life Enrichment and community oriented courses besides General and Academic Courses at Secondary and Senior Secondary level. It also offers Elementary level Courses through its Open Basic Education Programmes (OBE).Government of India through a gazette notification vested NIOS with the authority to examine and certify learners registered with it upto pre degree level courses whether Academic, Technical or Vocational. As per the Notification notification No 219/2014 dated 11th July, 2014 in respect of the modalities of the Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA) in Secondary and Sr. Secondary Examinations the Internal Assessment (IA) including TMA in Secondary and Sr. Secondary Examination will carry 20% weightage in the External Examination and the marks will be shown separately and added to the marks obtained in the External Theory Examination and practicals (wherever applicable). The implementation will be as per the Guidelines. The Study Centres (AI) will submit the awards i.e Marks online after verification. After submission the print out of the same should be sent to the respective Regional Centre for further action. Standard Operating Procedure for TMA, TMA submission Schedule by the Learner 1. As per the prospectus the learners have to submit the TMA to the AI by 31st Jan, 2016 for April Examination and by 31st July for October Examination. 2. AI to provide the feedback to the Learners by 15th Feb for April Examination and by 16th August for October Examination. 3. The TMA for the Learners are available on the NIOS Website. TMA submission Schedule by the Study Centre & Regional Centre 1. Submission of TMA Awards by the Study Centre from 16th Feb, to 15th March for the Learners appearing in April Examination and from 17th August to 16th September for October Examination of those learners of fresh Admission and the Learners who have not submitted the TMA in previous Examination and they have not been declared Pass in the Subject or overall Pass. 2. Online Monitoring and Online verification of the Submitted TMA Awards by the Regional Centre from 16th Feb to 15th April, for April Examination and from 17th August to 17th October for October Examination. 

                         Internal Assessment Internal Assessment
                     Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) 
NIOS has developed several means and strategies to help the learners to learn well and be successful. TMA is one such tool which plays a very important role in the learning process through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) System. TMAs help learners to know their progress and attainment level and develop regular study habits. They also help in designing diagnostic and remedial teaching strategy during Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs). Your Internal Assessment shall be done through one Tutor Marked Assignment in each subject which will be in a booklet form. The subject tutors at the AIs will correct the assignments and provide you feedback and suggestions for improvement. The TMA will also be uploaded on NIOS website from where learners can download them. 
NOTE Do not pay any additional amount for submitting TMA at Study Centre 
From the year 2015-16, Internal Assessment (IA) in Secondary/ Senior examination will carry 20% weightage of theory as continious and comprehensive evaluation. These marks will be shown in the mark-sheet alongwith the marks of external examination which will carry 80% weightage in each subject. TMA is applicable for admission through Stream-1 only. TMA should be submitted before appearing in the Public Examination of the particular subject.
TMA is not applicable to learners seeking registration under the Streams II, III & IV. 
                                                        MOST IMPORTANT 
From the session 2015-16, 20% weightage of theory would be given to Internal Assessment. The public examination would cover remaining 80% of weightage of theory. The result of those learners, who do not submit their Assignments, would be declared on the basis of Public Examination. 
Important Instructions
Dear Learner,
By now you must have started studying your Secondary Course of the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). As you already know, planned and continuous study is necessary for successful completion of a course. We have developed several means and strategies to help you to learn and be a successful learner. Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) is one such means. TMAs will help you to: l develop regular study habit which is necessary to become a self learner; l know the subject matter better; l get practice in writing responses to questions thereby having a kind of rehearsal in the preparation for the final examination; l receive feedback and confirmation about the correctness of the response provided by you; l check your progress in studying the subject you had opted for, so that you can find out subject areas where you have difficulties and need to put in more effort to learn well; and l maintain contact with the subject teachers at your Accredited Institution (AI) and take appropriate guidance in your studies.
How to Prepare Answer Script for TMAs?
In this booklet you will find one assignment in each subject. You are required to complete the assignment in your own handwriting in the chosen subjects only. Use one sided lined paper to prepare answer script for TMAs and submit them to your teacher at your Study Centre (AI). 
The Format of TMA 
You will notice that TMA is for 20 marks. Questions 1, 2 and 3, comprise of short answer questions. Each question has two choices of which you have to attempt only one i.e. 2+2+2= 6 marks. Questions 1, 2 and 3 will thus cover 6 marks. Question nunmber 4 and 5 are long answer questions of 4 marks each. You have to answer only one question out of the two given. Thus questions 4 and 5 are for 8 marks (4+4=8). Question no. 6 gives you a list of two projects of which you have to attempt only one. This question will be for 6 marks. The guidelines for each project work are given along with the topic set.
The submission of TMAs
The schedule for submission of the Secondary Course TMAs at AIs for both admission block are given below: 
If last date so specified happens to be a public holiday/Saturday/Sunday, the next working day will automatically be treated as last date for the purpose. 
Please follow this submission schedule strictly to take benefit of TMAs. TMA is applicable for admission through stream–I of online. These should be submitted before appearing in the Public Examination of the particular subject.The Tutor Marked Assignment in Secondary or Senior Secondary will carry 20% weightage in the external examination and these marks will be shown separately in the marks sheet alongwith the external examination paper which will carry 80% marks in each subject
You have to submit TMA to the subject teacher at your Study Centre (AI) at given date. Do not forget to take a receipt of submission of yourTMA from your teacher. A sample of the assignment submission receipt is given at the end of this booklet.
In case the Study Centre is not functioning or closed due to administrative reasons, you may submit the TMA as per the schedule given above, at the Regional Centre of your area which will take necessary action for evaluation and sending awards to the NIOS Head Quarters for inclusion in the final result. For every academic year a new set of TMA booklets will be available at the Study Centres/ concerned Regional Centres. In case you are not able to get the TMA booklet, you may download the same from the official website of NIOS i.e.
Go through the corrected assignments carefully and use them to improve your performance by: 
• re-reading the lessons in the study materials provided to you in each subject; 
• attending PCP classes to clarify doubts from the teacher or solve problems that you face during studies; and 
• devoting more time for studies.
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Standard Operating  procedure (SOP) Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) for Study Centre:
Tutor Marked Assignments Secondary Course:
Tutor Marked Assignments Senior Secondary Course:
Looking into the benefits of TMA, it will be possible for you to make best use of it in order to become a successful learner. If you have any doubt or suggestions, please do not hesitate to write to us. 
PK Kapri & Co.
Mob. +91-9643289714(also available on WhatsApp), (Calling Time 1pm to 6pm only)

Working Locations:
New Delhi ||Uttar Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh |  Bihar | Haryana |  Karnataka | Uttarakhand | Maharashtra | Chhattisgarh | Punjab | Jammu & Kashmir |Jharkhand | Rajasthan | Himanchal Pradesh | Goa | Nepal | GUJRAT|| ODISHA|| TAMILNADU|| KERELA|| ANDHRA PRADESH||
Note:  Pk Kapri & Co. is not an agent of NIOS/IGNOU/any other university .we just help student to getting complete their education

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